Terms and Conditions

The Assignment

  1. The Assignment is defined in collaboration with the customer. FINN KOLLERUP ApS will prepare a written offer for the assignment, after initial dialogue and exchange of information with the client.
  2. The agreement of the offer must be made by the client in writing, e.g. through e-mail.
  3. Offers made by FINN KOLLERUP ApS are valid for one week following the submission of the offer, unless otherwise specified.

The Client

  1. Will designate a contact person for FINN KOLLERUP ApS to communicate with throughout the duration of the assignment. Smaller assignments may be scheduled entirely by phone or email.
  2. Specific planning activities take place through a meeting (face to face or online) with the client. If additional meetings are required, these take place as part of the assignment, at the customers’ expense.
  3. Consultancy fees, expenses, materials and travel costs are to be paid by the client according to the conditions stated in the offer. All costs are including VAT, unless otherwise specified.
  4. In case a non-disclosure agreement is needed, such an agreement must be provided by the client.

Payment Terms

  1. Unless otherwise agreed, payment is 8 days after the invoice date. In case of late payment, the interest rate is 1.5% per month.
  2. If the invoice amount exceeds DKK 50.000.- incl. VAT for the entire assignment, the invoice will be split in two, with the initial invoice being paid upon agreement of the offer, and the remaining amount being paid after completion of the assignment. For large projects, or projects running for an extended period, a monthly billing schedule will be applied.
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