
Conference and Design Sprint around Health Data

Finn facilitated a conference and a design sprint to help us take the next step in a complicated process.
Our aim was to leverage data to improve health and prevent disease. Finn has helped us to sharpen the focus and create common understanding. Finn’s facilitation gathered knowledge and key players around our project. It is difficult to create changes in political systems. It surprised me a lot that we managed to involve so many competencies and key people in the process.
Facilitation, involvement, and focus is really something that Finn masters. Things were tightly controlled, everyone spoke up, and we ended up with a very useful result.
We created an invaluable common understanding and knowledge in this process. We are in a different place today than before the collaboration with Finn. We ascended several steps up the ladder and we are much further now with our process and project.

Jakob Uffelmann, Innovation Director, Sundhed.dk

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